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10 'Must have' putting tips for 2024...

Improving your putting can significantly lower your golf scores. Here are ten putting tips to help you become more consistent on the greens:

  1. Alignment is Key: Ensure that your feet, hips, and shoulders are parallel to your target line. Proper alignment sets the foundation for a consistent stroke.

  2. Grip Pressure: Maintain a light grip on the putter. Gripping too tightly can create tension in your hands and arms, leading to an inconsistent stroke.

  3. Smooth Stroke: Focus on a smooth and controlled putting stroke. Avoid jerky or abrupt movements, as a smooth stroke promotes accuracy and distance control.

  4. Posture: Maintain a comfortable and balanced posture. Your eyes should be directly over the ball, and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

  5. Practice Distance Control: Spend time practicing different distances to develop a feel for how far your putts travel. This helps you judge the appropriate force for each putt.

  6. Consistent Routine: Develop a consistent pre-putt routine. This helps build muscle memory and confidence, leading to a more repeatable stroke under pressure.

  7. Read the Green: Take the time to read the green and understand the slope. Look for subtle breaks and grain direction, and factor these into your aim and stroke.

  8. Visualize the Putt: Before making your stroke, visualize the ball rolling along your intended line and into the hole. This mental imagery can improve focus and execution.

  9. Hit the Sweet Spot: Strive to consistently strike the ball with the center of the putter face. This ensures a more predictable roll and minimizes unwanted side spin.

  10. Stay Positive: Putting requires mental fortitude. Stay positive, even after a missed putt. Focus on the process rather than the outcome, and maintain confidence in your abilities.

Remember, consistent practice is essential for improvement. Incorporate these tips into your putting practice routine, and over time, you should see positive results on the greens.

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